
ABC Canada

Abc-Canada.Org - Reputation Management

Considering that 90% of consumers review the reputation of a business before making purchasing decisions and 88% trust the accuracy of online reviews, managing online reputation can be crucial towards the long-term success of businesses. Even banks and vendors include reviews of online reputation as part of their due diligence process prior to establishing a business relationship with companies.

Abc-Canada.Org offers a two-pronged reputation management service: the first, reputation marketing to establish the reputation of new businesses and brands, and the second, to repair negative reputations. The relatively quick and easy way businesses and brands can establish their reputation online also means that their reputation can be sullied equally easily.

With the exception of major legal issues, managing negative online reputations typically involve search results and social media mentions. While most issues can be resolved amicably with a little effort, others will require more extensive groundwork and strategizing to push down negative mentions. Believe it or not, resolutions of long-standing issues can dramatically take off the weight of the most damaged reputations. In extreme scenarios, acquisition of web properties may provide the required solution. Additionally, we will proactively seek reviews and mentions from satisfied customers to bulk up positive feedbacks.

For new brands and businesses, reputation marketing focuses on increasing their visibility to target audience through digital word of mouth recommendations via a wide range of channels such as review sites, YouTube videos and social media promotions. Positive PR pieces and interviews with reputable websites can also help shape public perception. Anticipating future ‘problem’ areas and planning advanced control measures is another option to be considered. We also offer ongoing monitoring service to maintain control of reputations and protect them from malicious attacks.

In both instances though, the results are not immediate and may take several months before the effects can be fully realized.

Reputation Management